On August 20, 2024, the Puerto Rico Energy Bureau (“Energy Bureau”) filed a Resolution and Order in response to LUMA Energy, LLC and Luma Energy Servco, LLC’s (hereinafter collectively referred to as “LUMA”) Motion Requesting Late Integrated Resource Plan Filing and 5th Request of Information.

In this Resolution and Order, the Energy Bureau denied LUMA’s request to extend the filing date of LUMA’s 2024 Integrated Resource Plan (“IRP”) given such request does not directly address the immediacy or the severity of Puerto Rico’s current electric grid operation situation considering the number of interruptions in service over the past year. As a result, the Energy Bureau determined that a revised filing timeline would be used to address resource plan development and additional transmission system considerations established under the Regulation on IRP for the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (“Regulation 9021”) and ordered LUMA to file all IRP-related requirements corresponding to the development of a Preferred Resource Plan by November 29, 2024.

Furthermore, the Energy Bureau ordered LUMA to file the remaining Regulation 9021 requirements associated with the existing transmission and distribution system covered under Section 2.03 (J) (1) (d) through (e) and Section 2.03 (J) (2) of such regulation by February 28, 2025.

The Energy Bureau further warns that noncompliance with what is set forth in the Resolution and Order, regulations, and/or applicable laws may result in the imposition of fines and sanctions.


This Notice to Clients and Friends has been prepared for information purposes only and is not intended, and should not be relied upon, as legal advice. To further discuss or obtain additional information about the IRP review process before the Puerto Rico Energy Bureau, please contact us at your convenience.

Eidalia González

Eugene Scott

Eduardo Tamargo